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Intelligence and Short Reports: 

Insight and Intelligence in your Inbox Each Week

While our comprehensive intelligence advisory services offer in-depth analysis, we recognize the importance of concise and swift information.


Introducing our Weekly Short Reports—a snapshot of the week, addressing immediate, emerging, and potential geopolitical challenges that directly influence your industry, tasks, and decision-making.


Each report costs $39.99/month or get all four for $119.99/month - and cancel anytime


In addition to the weekly report, you'll receive unlimited Breaking News alerts, keeping you abreast of critical events between reports crucial to your work as well as access to an archive of one month's worth of past reports.


We currently provide four iterations of this service - click on the button below and sign up today.

General Geopolitics Report


Delivers on Mondays

For individuals whose interests don't neatly align with our other categories, we present a comprehensive global report that delves into the most significant geopolitical developments of the preceding and forthcoming week. Tailored for those seeking a broad perspective on major world events with implications for markets and decision-making, this offering is particularly valuable for senior leaders, researchers, consultants, and individuals with a keen interest in global affairs.

Geopolitics Report for Shipping and Logistics


Delivers on Wednesdays

The report delves into every aspect that may impact trade, including shipping lanes, logistics, and supply chains, and ESG. Whether it's the lifting of sanctions, an increase in piracy or new areas being hit, or the opening and closing of ports due to wars, policies, political issues, or emergencies, you can count on this to keep you informed on all fronts

Geopolitics Report for Financial Management


Delivers on Tuesdays

This provides comprehensive coverage tailored for individuals in the financial services industry, Hedge Fund investors, and anyone seeking an up-to-the-minute global perspective on crucial factors influencing markets and decision-making. From geopolitical events such as wars, revolutions, and sanctions to significant policy shifts, we ensure you stay well-informed for more informed decisions

Geopolitics Report for Energy and Mining


Delivers on


Exclusively centered on these pivotal sectors, this report is indispensable for refiners, prospectors, and professionals across the upstream, midstream, and downstream segments, as well as for speculators and investors. Whether it's potential wars posing a threat to mining operations or challenges to petroleum production, rest assured, you'll find in-depth coverage and insights right here.

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