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Enterprise Security Risk Management





























Our enterprise security risk management team and partners carry over 30 years of experience and come from the ranks of government, the intelligence sector, and private industry.  We work in five main areas, all of which are critical to the health and profitability of your operations.


Threat, Hazard, and Vulnerability Assessments

Our team can provide full assessments for one facility up to entire cities.  We use a proprietary assessment tool that quantifies the threat and allows us to provide you with a comprehensive report that helps you plan for future security allocations and to mitigate risk.


Business Continuity Management (BCM)

Our Business Continuity Planning solution helps you identify, prepare for and prevent disruptive events. Working with us, you can develop the plans and processes needed to recover efficiently and effectively.  Our methodology offers a five-step process that establishes (or updates) your program from its foundation.  Our process results in outputs that form an auditable, tested and enduring multifaceted program that includes; Risk Establishment and Identification, Strategy Implementation, Team Training, and Socialization, Testing and Monitoring and finally Maintenance.



This issue is not limited to state or corporate actors - a teenager in an internet cafe halfway around the world can bring down a country's electric grid just as easily as a team of government-directed hackers.  Most vulnerabilities are created internally, during regular updates and changes and while it isn't intentional, it can be the root of major problems.  Our team and our partners can help you minimize and eliminate these vulnerabilities, harden your systems and test your team and your operations to ensure that nothing can get through.


Security Operations Center Management, Operations, Communications, and Support

This is the nerve center of security operations for many organizations.  Our team, having staffed, designed and managed such facilities for two decades understands them innately.  Specifically, we can help you:

  • Management and Control

  • Operation Services / Staffing / Analysis / Monitoring

  • Service and Relationship Management

  • Architecture, Engineering, and Maintenance

  • Cyber Communications / Coordination

  • Acquisition Support


Testing and Exercises

We have been exercising plans and procedures for over two decades. Our experience is based on hundreds of exercises at all levels and for many types of personnel - from front-line staff to executive leadership.  We work in lock-step with your team to ensure that every eventuality is tested and all objectives are met.


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